Even though you may not have the finances set aside to donate to your favorite charities, you can still make a tremendous difference in our planet's well-being and in the lives of others by recycling and donating your clothes, accessories, books, small appliances, and household items to your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, or other donation centers. So often I see people throwing away things that are perfectly reusable and functional that could be donated and will instead end up in a landfill destroying nature's beauty.

For the last two months, I have been organizing my home by recycling and donating items that I don't use that someone else may find as a little treasure or a comforting necessity. As for recycling, I have mainly been recycling paper and glass, but I soon aspire to recycle plastic as well like my benevolent sister Andrea does. I have heard from a friend who used to live Las Vegas, that the city would provide recycling containers for paper, glass, and plastic along with the regulare garbage containers...I wish our city would do something like this. However, I am happy that we do at least have recycling centers that we can take our paper, plastic, and glass to. Also, I am going to start recycling old cell phones (I have found a few around the house); I know of a local cell phone repair shop that accepts old cell phones for recycling. Likewise, I know of a local computer repair shop that will take in your old computers and computer parts for recycling...there are actually several of these places in my area to choose from, you can probably find some near you!
My hand-painted, decoupage functional art canisters are made from recycled materials, and now I am recycling and donating other reusable items...auh, giving away what some consider "junk" feels so good!

I'm so glad you wrote this post about donating! So many people forget that even though their money is low, they can still make an impact on their community by giving time and also things they might not be using...or even better, giving something you love - it makes the gift that much bigger (:
I'm also in purging mode and it's amazing how much stuff we can accumulate over the years...and things that we don't even use anymore!! LOVE your efforts and the things you create! Keep up the good work (:
Thank you Michele! I am happy to see that we share this same endeavor! Best of luck to you too! :-D
Hey, I am collecting old or mismatched socks from our immediate family to send out to a website that I found with a mission called "the mismatched sock". I think the deadline to ship the socks is October. So I would like to get them out in September.
That is awesome Andy! Thanks for the info. ;-D
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