Love and Appreciation

Thank you
The above photos illustrate how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals. In this experiment, words were typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles of water overnight. The waters were then frozen and photographed. When looking at the photographs of water crystal formation their is a significant difference between the positive and negative thoughts placed on the water; you can view these images in this fascinating article:
Considering that our bodies are made up of 60% water, imagine what impact our thought have on our well-being and molecular structure! My husband and I conducted our own little experiment with this concept, we planted some wheatgrass seeds in an old coffee mug with the word "Love" painted on it. Along with the word "Love", I would tell the plant that I loved it. Once the plant reached an adequate height, Joe and I gave it to our three cats to nimble on...the result: they loved it too and seemed very happy afterwards! Maybe we gave our cats some extra "love" that day...although we do tell them we love them very often!
Our boys: Magnum and Buster
...and our girl: Nozomi
Fascinating post! And cute kitties, too. ^.^
Thank you Aquariann! Our kitties are the cutest! ;-D
The world is what we make of it, isn't it? We perceive what our mind tells us. I look into Baby Bobby's eyes and wonder how I look to him as his momma. I wonder what else he sees with his new eyes and innocent mind. :-)
Andrea, the world is new to little baby Bobby but your soft voice and loving warmth are the most familiar things to him...you are his peaceful comfort zone; you and him share a powerful "love" together! ;-)
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