Are you giving yourself enough sunshine love? Are you aware of these wonderful benefits that sunlight provides?
Benefits of Sunlight
• It increases the circulation of the blood.
• It stimulates the production of more red blood cells, increasing the oxygen content of the blood, and thus increasing muscular endurance.
• It increases liver function and stimulates the liver to produce a drug-metabolizing enzyme. This increases one's ability to withstand pollutants in the environment.
• It stabilizes blood sugar levels.
• It lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Sunlight may decrease cholesterol by more than 30%.
• The ultraviolet rays are antiseptic, a short morning sunbath (before 9am) several times a day will kill germs and promote wound healing. Even reflected light from windows can destroy bacteria in the dust on window sills and floors.
• The heat of the sun is useful in the treatment of neuralgia, neuritis, arthritis and other pain.
• It increases gamma globulin - a protein that helps the body fight infection.
• It is a good treatment for jaundice in the newborn baby.
• It increases muscle tone, persons who exercise in the sunlight build muscle faster than those who exercise indoors.
• It increases body metabolism.
• Sunlight has been shown to increase to relieve depression and to improve sleep.
• Resting heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates are all decreased after a sunbath.

Looking at myself in the mirror as the sun warms my face through the window (this photo was a candid shot of me taken at my sister's wedding).
Also did you know that…SUN EXPOSURE REDUCES THE RISK OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (a disease that has paralyzed my mother and has harmed my sister, but she is a real fighter and will overcome any challenges):

Third time’s a charm…I just received my third Sunshine Award from the super sweet Kayz Kreationz! Thank you for giving me some sunshine on this cloudy day in Bixby, Oklahoma! Here is a link to her blog and Etsy shop...she has some lovely jewelry and mosaics in her shop:
So I'm passing on the sunshine to some people who have enlightened my heart and hopefully this will brighten their day! Here's what you have to do.
1.Put the Sunshine Award logo (of the flower) on your blog or within your post
2.Pass the award to 12 well-deserving bloggers
3.Link the nominees within your post
4.Let them know they received it by commenting on their blog
5.Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.
…And here are the wonderful bloggers (in no particular order) who I am passing the Sunshine Award to:
504 Main
Gerber Days
Waterstone Jewelry
Going Green in 2010
Victorian Inspired Arts & Crafts From Etsy!
Bungaloe Handbags
Post Grad Hair Cut
Tyler Handmade
Lithuanian Egg Art
Slow Lane Notes
Knit Matters
Nicole’s Homemade Treats
This post makes me want to get out in the sun.. too bad i'm about to head off to the office.
I am a fighter. ;-)
Oh my gosh.... thanks so much!!! I'm so excited you included me in this! :)
PS That picture of the sun shining on your face with the mirror is really cool! I love it.
Wow, thanks I'm so honored! I love your blog!
Well, thank you! I am glad to make some sunshine!! I will pass it on soon!
Thank you ladies for the sweet comments! :-D Yes, Andrea you are one tough girl...such an inspiration!
Aww thanks for mentioning me! That is a fabulous photo of you- you are gorgeous!
Thank you so much! I could use a little sunshine. :) The tips and reminders are great.
Thank you Nicole and Lori! Aww, Nicole you are so sweet...you are a gorgeous lady too! ;-D
Sorry it took me so long to get here. Thank you! I LOVE this post and all the benefits of the sun...all we ever hear about is the bad part! Send me an email...you have to be a tickled pink feature!
PS - The crafty/DIY blog hop details are on my blog!
Hi there! I just found your blog, beacuse of a picture I found on google. Your blog looks really nice and interesting.I´m gonna check in your blog now and then. Have a nice day!
Hugs Carolina
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