I found this great free marketing tip in an Etsy forum titled: "10 Ways to Advertise for Free"; this particular tip was on a thread posted by Berry Blue Creations:
“One of my favorite forms of free advertising, besides those previously mentioned is to talk to the people in charge of exhibits at your Local Library. If you can get a week or two to fill a display case.. you'll be amazed at the response you get.” – Berry Blue Creations

I love this novel idea...and I fancy the thought of locals oohing and aahing over my one-of-a-kind creations at a very comfortable and popular place: the library! I have noticed art work in display cases at my local library and normally there is a plaque or something that features the information of the artist...also, I have noticed library books on the topic being displayed along with the art. For example here are two displays I have seen at my local libraries recently: books featured on "how to make mosaics" along with an artist's provided mosaic art...and the other was a professional camera with nice photography provided by the artist and books displayed on "how to become a great photographer". So I suppose a very fitting theme for my upcycled decopuage canisters would be featuring books about "how to create art from recycled items" or "how to decoupage".

Also, another great FREE marketing tip that I have taken advantage of is the computers and printers at my local library. I am assuming that the policies of this varies among libraries, but I am able to print off five pages in black and white for free. So when money is tight and you would like to print some promotional fliers for your Etsy business, create a document of mini fliers and print them off in black and white for free at your library. Post them in appropriate and noticeable places with bulletin boards such as: your favorite coffee shop or café...at the post office, community center, and even the library!
Awesome Ideas! Thanks!
It's my pleasure! I can't wait to see if I can feature my art in a display case at one of my local libraries! :-D
I love the display cases idea!!! We have some very popular and well-managed libraries in the Tulsa area. Any one of these libraries would be the perfect advertising spot to feature your art pieces. Great idea, Jessy! :-)
I loved this post. I'll have to check my local libraries out. As it happens, I do mosaics and stained glass and had just been thinking about that very thing as I read your post. Thanks.
Thank you Andy...Yes, Tulsa has awesome libraries! ;-D
KayzKreationz, I am happy to have enlightened your marketing ventures...good luck with promoting your mosaic art! :-)
This is such a great idea! I wish they hadn't just rebuilt my city's library and got rid of the display cases. Still, I think I could work something out with them.
Thanks M.M.E.! Yes, I bet your local librarians can work something out for you...good luck with your artistic aspirations! ;-)
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