Update: Our sweet boy, Buster, is sick. Buster is about ten years old and has been in my family since he was a young cat; he has lived with my grandparents and even my great-grandparents and has been over-weight most of his life. Joe and I have had Buster a little over three years and since living with us he has lost a little weight and now has a nice clean, shiny coat. Recently, he hasn't been able to urinate (although, at first we thought the problem was constipation); he growls and hisses at himself; the poor boy hasn't been feeling well. With Joe and I always turning to "natural health" remedies for ourselves, we do the same for our cats.
We have this wonderful book, called "The New Natural Cat: A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners" by Anitra Frazier that we turn to for advice (pictured above is our affiliate link of the latest edition of this book; it details the latest advances in holistic care for cats, updated statistics, new diet guidelines, and health care recommendations, including the latest on vaccines, updated resources section with suggestions for finding a holistic veterinarian and advice on how to deal with conventional veterinarians). First thinking that the problem was constipation, Joe and I went to Akins Natural Foods Market right down the street (which is where I work part-time) and we picked up some all-natural canned cat food with chicken, wheatgerm, and other healthy ingredients and we picked up some Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk Powder and Oat Bran (which our natural cat book advised to use). When we got home, we combined the three ingredients (about half of a cup of canned cat food with 1/8 tsp. psyllium husk and 1/8 tsp. oat bran) and then added some finely chopped organic carrots, golden flax seeds, and a tad bit of fresh garlic; along with a teaspoon of probiotic kefir (friendly bacteria should help get things moving)! Since Buster loves to eat dried catnip from our catnip plant, we have been feeding it to him as a treat with dried nettle leaf mixed in which is "good for digestion and rich in minerals". (Frazier, 257) I have also made a cold infusion tea with catnip and nettle and Buster lapped it up a little.

However, last night Buster was in agonizing pain and was constantly licking his bottom and bladder; so we took him to the emergency veterinarian and discovered that he had formed crystals in his urethra which was blocking the flow of his urine, causing his bladder to swell and therefore pain. The vet said that he needed surgery and needed to be hospitalized for three days; they gave us a long list of treatments that we felt were over-priced and invasive that would cost us around $1100...instead we wanted to take a more natural approach in our own home (a very comfortable environment for Buster)...and we ended up spending just a few dollars to cure Buster! So we decided since now we know that Buster may have a constipation problem and that the main issue is that he is having difficulty urinating, that we want to do our own research into natural remedies that can help ease his pain and get him urinating again.
We discovered this entire website that talks about this urinary problem common in older male cats that have been neutered (which is Buster's category) and a "Miracle Cure": APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!
With 44 kitty success stories with this natural treatment we think Buster is number 45! After returning from the vet, in tears and afraid but still determined to help our sweet friend we discovered this remedy and fortunately we had a really good quality Apple Cider Vinegar with the "mother culture" in our kitchen cabinet. It can be purchased by clicking on the image above (affiliate link).
Joe and I gave Buster the Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with a little water in a dropper by mouth and added it to his natural spring drinking water; we also added some crushed vitamin C to his all-natural chicken and wheatgerm dinner along with Slippery Elm (that is soothing for inflammation), Echinacea (which is antiseptic), and Burdock Root (soothing to stomach and intestines and high in vitamin C). We stayed up late last night with him and locked him in the bathroom so he could get some rest and privacy from the other cats...we also laid down plenty of towels and paper bags in case he urinated anywhere (which we didn't care where he urinated, we just want our sweet boy to pee)! Joe and I caught some sleep and by morning Buster looked much better! He had a big wet spot on his right side and it smelled like pee! :-D He then ate plenty of healthy food and drank lots of water (we haven't seen him drink this much in days)! He looks interested in playing with the other kitties and hasn't complained one bit! Joe and I have been giving him lots of love and he is currently taking a nice nap; we are going to continue his treatment...we are so relieved to see him looking back to his old self!
My cats used to love chomping on grass. The neighbourhood stores sold alfalfa grass in little containers just for the apartment cats. This souonds like something a vet should check though.
Hi Jessica! First off, thanks for suggesting your blog to me- I love it and your decoupage is awesome! My dad's cat has a similar problem frequently and I know that they have success mixing in metamusil (sorry not sure how to spell it) powder into some wet food for her. Poor Buster, I hope he feels better!
Thank you BlueDitty and Tess for your helpful comments and get well wishes for my sweet kitty! I am thinking about buying a wheat grass plant for Buster and our other kitties (I hear that it is good for aiding their digestion). I looked up Metamucil's ingredients and Psyllium Husk is one of the main ingredients...so hopefully the powder we are giving Buster will help. :-) Tessa, I posted a comment on your blog and I adore your Victorian decoupage!
Wheatgrass helps, and cream. Not together.
Nice blog.
From heartspace on etsy>
I have cats- but have never had a constipated one! I certainly hope that Buster is feeling better soon!
caden was so constipated today, we had to give him some prunes but i don't think kitty would eat them. hope he gets better soon!
Thank you everyone for the get well wishes! I updated this blog post...and found a miracle cure for Buster! :-D
Glad to hear that Buster is feeling better - nothing worse than a sad unhealthy boy cat (sound familiar anyone with a hubby, BF, brother!) - they don't do sick very well at all do they!
Great blog too! You have a new follower here :)
Oh, I am so glad to hear that the apple cider vinegar (1/2 and 1/2 mixture with water) worked for Buster's urinary stone problem. That is so neat how he wasn't reluctant at all to try anything to help; he trusted that you and Joe were trying to help him. Great job on researching for treatment options! :-)
Buster is such a good boy...he is a real trooper! He looks so good today!
that's awesome, the braggs little pamphlets tell you how you can cure HUMAN problems too, its a neat book! (i got an old copy at the thrift store for 50cents, it said the origional price was like 10 cents or something, but now its like 10$ or something to get one new!)
I LOVE thrift stores! Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar is a very healthful and beneficial product! :-) Poor Buster is still sick tonight...but still in good spirits and urinating (thank goodness).
I love this article! I wish I would have read this before my cat came down with his urinary tract! I love apple cider vinegar!
My cat has the same symptoms. I haven't taken him to the vet yet, but I did run out and buy apple cider vinegar. We shall see.., I hope it works!
I hope your kitty is feeling better Katie! :-)
For CAT URINARY CRYSTALS...URITICA URENS..HOMEPATHIC...I used 1 smal tablet like 6x small ones.dont don't touch tablet put 1 in cap tilt cats heat back to make him swallow without being touched(HOMEPATHIC way) ...it dissolves the crystals .anytime if I saw a flair up I'd use quickly.also food change low ash.upgrade the foods...this tablet has saved my cars life! I also had a vet years ago give me little white pulls he was a natural Vet... I was young .it must of been URITICA URENS .... No Vet bills today.also vinegar good for fleas on pets I spray down white or apple .....I have saved cats with distemper with Astralagus I also use oOlive leaf extract for cats (tape worms) just a small amount like a tip of q tip size or less in small amnt water with brewers yeast (I dropper) some good natural ways ...Kathy :)
Thank you for sharing Kathy! :-)
Don't give cats garlic. It is toxic to them.
I have to write so anyone with a blocked cat because it is an emergency and when i called every vet from palm springs to indio to beaumont when i told the vets i needed help but didnt have much money and my cat was dying not one vet was available to help. Go figure?! Well it costa anywhere from 4 to 7k to hav we the vet do their thing. So instead of watching my cat die a horrible painful 24-48 hr death. I researched and researched and found out that braggs apple cider vinagar 1/4 teaspoon to 3 teaspoons mixed and forced into ur cats mouth with an eyedropper every hour as best u can and the vinager starts killing the bacteria thats killing your cat then i found you can massage the cats bladder gently and i would hold cat under arms ( called a ragdoll technique) and stand cat up. Seriously the cat was on its way out. I did this all night but guess what by morning the cat had peed allllll over the place. He is now on the road to recovery without spending thousands on a vet and having the cat die a cruel death . i read about a ton of cat owners battling this only to have their beloved cat put down thinking there was no othrr option. Im telling you there is!
I have to write so anyone with a blocked cat because it is an emergency and when i called every vet from palm springs to indio to beaumont when i told the vets i needed help but didnt have much money and my cat was dying not one vet was available to help. Go figure?! Well it costa anywhere from 4 to 7k to hav we the vet do their thing. So instead of watching my cat die a horrible painful 24-48 hr death. I researched and researched and found out that braggs apple cider vinagar 1/4 teaspoon to 3 teaspoons mixed and forced into ur cats mouth with an eyedropper every hour as best u can and the vinager starts killing the bacteria thats killing your cat then i found you can massage the cats bladder gently and i would hold cat under arms ( called a ragdoll technique) and stand cat up. Seriously the cat was on its way out. I did this all night but guess what by morning the cat had peed allllll over the place. He is now on the road to recovery without spending thousands on a vet and having the cat die a cruel death . i read about a ton of cat owners battling this only to have their beloved cat put down thinking there was no othrr option. Im telling you there is!
My cat has CKD and acv has cured my cat of two bladder infections and a high blood pressure episode. She was screaming and pacing all night, until I fed her some acv by mixing it in chicken baby food. It miraculously works everytime, usually within an hour you see results. Now I feed a capful of it to her everyday as maintenance.
Amen I was awaiting appointment and desperate for my baby, its unfair that no one helps them like humans but I busted it loose and vet tests came back urine fine? He pees night before appointment and began eating shortly after. Stones or crystals I believe However I did 1/4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with mother load and 1 teaspoon of turkey broth Home made in crock pot as store bought uses toxic ingredients like onion.
I'm so glad to read this. My cats blocked now.. constantly squatting. My vets isn't open till 5pm and the others are now trying to rip off on consultation fees alone. Saying consultation ranges from-to how can a consultation changed in price . 6k around like u said for treatment is disgusting I don't have anywhere near that in funds. Vets are so heartless now.. my cats been peeing fine until today. I don't know whether to ring mine at 5pm or wait till tomorrow see how the apple cider vinegar works..?
I'm in UK 🇬🇧 and my cats pacing today not peeing.. all the stuff on the web off vets tells u your cat will die withing 24-48hours if u don't take immediately. But yet ive seen others say there cats have had this problem and after paying overcharging at vets they just medicate themselves now. Seeing that other cats are still alive after the time-limit I give makes me wonder if its a nasty peer pressure selling tactic. I don't want my cat to suffer obviously. But don't have several thousand for water infections a few hundred yes. Do u think I should see how my cat is tomorrow
I would recommend trying the apple cider vinegar and closely monitor your cat in case you need to go to the vet. If it is an infection, D-mannose can be added to the cat's water to help clear and recover from the infection.
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