These are our delicious organic, heirloom mustard greens growing in our bedroom window...great for spicing up any salad or sandwich. Notice how we are using recycled yogurt containers as planters? Did you know that many yogurt containers are not recyclable at all. Most yogurt containers are produced with polypropylene (#5) plastic, which isn’t recycled in most communities; including here in Tulsa Oklahoma. Even those made with #2 HDPE plastic, which is normally recycled, may be trashed once they get to the recycling center because they melt at a different temperature than the plastic bottles made of #2 HDPE. With this in mind, reducing the number of yogurt containers you purchase, and reusing as many as possible, is even more important.
So in doing our part, we have transformed these large Greek God's yogurt containers into planters for our window sill garden...and they are working out great! In fact, we cut a few holes in the bottom of each cup and placed the lids underneath them to catch any excess water; this technique is very effective. By the way, you might have noticed that the yogurt containers we are using for these planters are Greek God's Honey flavored yogurt...if you have never tried this yogurt....OH MY GOODNESS you have got to try this yogurt! I think this has got to be the world's best yogurt; it tastes kind of like cheesecake and it is better than ice cream! Like most yogurts, it is full of friendly bacteria which is good for your digestion and health; and since it is such a wonderful dessert it will satisfy your sweet tooth and should help you lose weight! As some of you may already know, I work at a health food store and this yogurt is always flying off of the shelves because of its amazing taste, texture, and help with weight-loss. Even though it is high in fat, it is much better for you than most dessert indulgences. ;-)
Ha ha, any way back to the window garden, here are some more pictures of our beautiful botanical window sill! The picture above is of our peat pellets under our window sill with peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower growing.
Organic, heirloom Basil in a recycled yogurt cup!
Here is our lovely organic, heirloom Sage. :-)
Isn't that a cute pot?! I got this adorable planter from my grandmother and it features a panda bear munching on some bamboo. At one time, I think my grandmother had some bamboo growing in this planter; now, we are using it for our organic, heirloom Scarlet Emperor Bean plant that has pretty little red flowers!
I know this photo is a little blurry, but can you see the little white flower on this pepper plant? This little flower will produce a pepper someday soon (I think these are bell peppers). We have this pepper plant in a recycled yogurt container too!
Now as I mentioned above, yogurt containers are very difficult, if not impossible, to recycle in most communities; so if you can recycle or support someone who is recycling yogurt containers, you will be giving Mother Nature a wonderful gift of a cleaner environment! Please check out these two beautiful upcycled creations made out of yogurt containers by two lovely Etsy shops!

Can you believe this gorgeous Christmas ornament is made out of a yogurt lid?! This upcycled ornament would look stunning on a Christmas tree! This item is titled "Noel - Christmas Ornament From Plastic Yogurt Lid" by Dankh Creations.

These darling earrings are made from yogurt cups...Wow, that is awesome! This item is titled: "Happy Cows Recycled Plastic Earrings" by Brandy Fisher.
Lovely windowsill. Hopefully your seedlings aren't too envious of the rain outside their window this morning. You may want to give their leaves an extra spritz of water. ;-)
What a fun post! Love your panda planter - too lovely.
yummy! i need to do that and get some basil going!
Ha ha, yeah I am so happy that we finally got some more rain today...our outdoor organic, heirloom garden needed it for sure! Don't worry though; our indoor window garden is very pampered with plenty of sunshine and water!
Thank you ladies for the comments...I love basil! :-D
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