On the 28th of this month, Janet from
"Honey from the Bee: Artisan Jewelry Inspired by Nature & Vintage Elements" will be hosting February's second blog carnival for
EtsyBloggers on her blog
"Honey from the Bee". The theme is "Thinking Green", Janet asks participants to write about what they're doing to make this planet greener. She says this could be about your art or just around the house or at work.

It didn't take me long to ponder over this because I have be "thinking green" for a long time. I have taken my artistic talent and combined it with my love for recycling to produce a one-of-a-kind functional, upcycled art piece that isn't only decorative but something lovely for the greenies too!

I recycle tin and steel cans along with magazine clippings and yogi tea tags and I incorporate all of these items that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill somewhere and use them in my art creations! I create my upcycled decoupage canisters by selecting and cutting desired magazine clippings and yogi tea tags and arranging them in a complementary pattern to produce an original theme and story.

I then paint the inside of each canister with a color that complements the hues of the images on the piece. All of my upcycled decoupage canisters are hand-painted with a glossy black background and small white freckles; which unlike polka dots are not perfectly symmetrical, hence the name of my shop "Eco-Friendly Freckles". These delightful freckles create a texture that is pleasant to feel, and a look that is unique and fun!

This greenie project of mine creates a beautiful, functional art piece that can be used to hold pens/pencils, paint brushes, kitchen utensils, teas, bath salts, soaps, candies, and anything your imagination can come up with! These upcycled canisters are great for containing presents too!
To view all of my hand-painted upcycled decoupage canisters in my Etsy shop, you can find them here:
I have discovered an Etsy team that I LOVE!!! The Etsy Recycler's Guild is a GLOBAL community of Eco-Artists, crafters & vintage gurus, who have united in the name of GREEN, Team Tag: WASTENOT- founded in 2007., "recycled" in 2009, and have grown by leaps and bounds. Our tag is "Wastenot" which really sums it up.
We believe in recycling, repurposing, upcycling, and reclamation of used or discarded goods. We use these components in our crafts, jewelry, merchandise, clothing, and in our artwork. We also encourage sale of vintage goods, and house greenies who have developed alternative solutions for reduction of the carbon footprint.
We live green, we love to recycle, and that's what brought us together. Our team believes in Random Acts of Kindness, a movement to promote each other's shops and spread the word about living green.
For more about us view our blog at