Our kombucha scoby had a baby scoby, so we put it in a separate jar to make another batch of kombucha. By the way, our kombucha tastes wonderful! We have already experimented with making some secondary fermentations with hibiscus and another one with sassafras and sarsaparilla. My favorite one has been the hibiscus...it kind of tastes like a wine spritzer...but better...and better for you! Once we have enough kombucha scoby babies we will probably start selling them in my
Eco-Friendly Freckles shop!
Hello! found your blog on an Etsy thread. I have no idea what kombucha scoby is? ... but you have intrigued me, i will google it.
Princess Toadstool has brought an heir to the throne. ;-)
Catalina, I am so happy to have intrigued you! A Kombucha "SCOBY" is a "Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast"...have fun with your research!
*Giggles Giggles* Andrea you are so cute and funny! Although, it doesn't look like an adorable Mario Amanita mushroom, I call our scoby a mushroom all of the time because it looks like a floating mushroom or jellyfish. ;-)
Okay, I get it now! At first glance I thought it was something like a little sea monkey pet, :) ha, ha, ha. I looked it up and it sounds interesting. How long did it take to grow the baby?
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