The beautifully breath-taking image above is a limited edition print from an original painting titled "In the Light" and is created by Ground Work.
Finding a healthy balance between high and low blood pressure can be daunting to many people. However, there is a natural remedy that you can use that is healing properties and helps regulate blood pressure aside from those harmful pharmaceuticals with numerous side effects; this herb is called: Hawthorn Berry.

One of my FAVORITE websites and wise woman herbalist, Susun Weed, has intriguingly informative article about the therapeutic benefits of hawthorn for our heart health...as well as other fascinating information about the herb. Hey there crafty Etsy ladies, Susun Weed says of hawthorn: "Hawthorn is said to guard the hinges and to oversee crafts. A branch of flowering hawthorn placed in studio or workshop is believed to make the craftsperson skilled and successful." I have got to give this a try! Here is the link to her article:
"Take Heart From Hawthorn" by Susun Weed
As Susun mentions in her article, a hawthorn berry tincture can be made for a simple, effective way to absorb the healing properties of the herb. Joe and I made a hawthorn berry tincture (our tincture infusion is pictured above) using 70% Everclear (grain alcohol) and 30% water along with hibiscus flowers which is also another very beneficial herb for lowering high blood pressure (see article below).
Hibiscus Tea Significantly Lowers Blood Pressure
My husband, Joe, is prone to having high blood pressure and his father is already struggling with it; so we have made this tincture for them and myself to help keep us all heart healthy and regulate our blood pressure.
If you would like to make your own hawthorn and hibiscus tincture or tea...or you would just like to get one already made, I have listed a few Etsy shops below that carry these medicinal items!

I wish more people would make these traditional remedies at home. So many skills are being lost without practice and refinement... In the past, no still room or household was considered equipped without these essential home products!
In many areas of the world, you can't easily obtain Everclear. Brandy (or these days Vodka), a distillate at about 40%, is an acceptable substitute. Simply don't dilute afterward...
Thanks so much for helping spread the word!
Excited to make that herbal version of kids' Kool-aid with hibiscus, rosebuds, orange peel, lemongrass, and lemon essential oil!
Oh yes, and with some sort of natural sweetener: like honey or at least turbinado sugar.
Thanks for this information. I love learning about natural remedies, I try to use them whenever I can in life. Being and Etsy seller, I am definitely going to get some Hawthorne berries for my studio! Found you in my Etsy thread and am your newest follower. Hope you are following me as well. http://charmeddesign1012.blogspot.com/
Thank you ladies...I know, I LOVE natural remedies and I also try to use them as often as I can (especially during the cold season).
I think I am going to hang up some hawthorn berries in my art studio too...my shop and crafting skills can always use more good luck!
Andrea, I am excited to see how your heavenly hibiscus blended tea turns out...oooh, this would make wonderful Christmas gifts!
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