Today marks the one year anniversary of
my Etsy shop "Eco-Friendly Freckles"! So far I have made 24 sales...which may not sound like a lot to some people, but to me it is something that I am proud of! :-) I made my first sale after my shop had been open for nearly three months; at the beginning of the year I was learning a lot about Etsy and how to promote my shop. I look forward to the year to come and hope that I can more than double my sales from this year! I love looking over my 100% positive customer feedback; this assures and encourages me that I have creations/products that people enjoy as well as good customer service and packaging skills...some customers even say that they would love to do business with me again! Maybe in this upcoming year I can accomplish some goals for my shop that I have not yet pursued such as participate in a local craft show, throw an "art party" with my friends & family and showcase my work, and talk to my local libraries about getting some of my decoupage canisters in their display cases for one of their featured displays (maybe they will feature how-to books about corresponding topics that go with my work; such as recycling, decoupage, etc.)

In celebration of my
Eco-Friendly Freckles Etsy Shop's one year anniversary, I would like to demonstrate another "function" for one of my hand-painted upcycled decoupage canisters. This canister is titled
"Traveling Lady" and you can find it listed in
my Etsy shop. Here I have the canister containing a spool of lace I have so it is easy to access when I need to use it. My canisters are great for storing large spools of lace, ribbons, and yarn for your craft room or studio! Just another thought of how you can use an artsy, one-of-a-kind Eco-Friendly Freckles canister!
Congratulations! I think the library showcase idea is great, I'm sure they would be happy to have you!
Happy Etsy Anniversary!
Wow, you really have come so far this last year! I love all your sales and marketing ideas. You have another great year ahead of you. :-) Congrats!
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