My Nana, twin sis (Andrea), and I made some awesome cash and got rid of a bunch of our junk or "other people's treasures" at our very successful garage sale this Friday and Saturday. The garage sale (hosted by our Nana) was quite easy to put together and we made sure to have a clean, presentable garage with everything displayed and organized appropriately. We sold lots of clothes, appliances, and other items...Nana even sold her old car!
I hope this motivates any of you ladies out there to host a garage/yard sale; it is a great way to make some extra cash and it is a lot of fun to do with family and friends (a great time to "catch up"). It definitely helps to advertise your garage sale on Craig's List (this brought us a lot of customers from all over) and to host a sale titled "Huge Four Family Garage Sale" or "Gigantic Moving Sale"...or something of the sort to catch peoples' attention.
The left over items that didn't sell we donated to our local Salvation Army ("Good Will" is great too)...it feels good to donate, you can right it off your taxes, and you will have a lot more space and a lot less junk in your home...think of all the bonuses! :-D You can even display your Etsy shop items at your garage sale!

Woohoo! I think the sale was a hit! :-D Had lots of fun too. Love you Jessy. ;-*
Me too! :-D
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