This evening Joe and I worked in our inspiring organic, heirloom garden and we picked our first homegrown tomato: a delicious heirloom "Plum Lemon" (pictured above); it was rich, juicy, and had a perfect tomato flavor with a hint of lemon!

Our tee pee style hand-made trellises made out of bamboo tied together with yarn...I think they are fun and kind of asthetically pleasing.

These photos were taken before we did a lot of "de-weeding"...we're getting a new riding lawn mower...yippee! :-D

Our flourishing bean plant growing up some bamboo...

This is our "Roman Candle" heirloom tomato plant...that yellow one is just about ready to pick!

...a cluster of our Heirloom Tommy Tomatoes!

We have a few of these adorable and very fragrant Basil plants.

This is our Heirloom "Black Beauty" eggplant...that pretty flower is going to be a ravishing eggplant soon!

We think these might be "Nebraska Wedding" heirloom tomatoes...but were not sure yet.

This is our WILD heirloom cherry tomato plant...this plant just popped up on its own; it must have grown from a seed from last year's garden.

Our heirloom yellow squash plant...

Working in the garden is so peaceful and fulfilling...it is so much fun spending time in the sunshine with someone you love, connecting with nature, and reaping the benefits with a homegrown harvest!

I think these might be some of our Marglobe Supreme heirloom tomatoes.

Heirloom "Green Zebra" tomatoes!!!

Our little baby heirloom watermelon...

...is just a part of our enormous watermelon vine! :-D