My first review on my Organic Probiotic Kefir Grain Cultures!
"Thank you! I just received the package last night and am already in the process of making my first batch of yummy kefir. :) (I can't wait to try the banana bread recipe from your site)" - Iszlette

This scrumptious, moist, and soft coffee cake is spectacular! The homebrewed kefir used in this recipe provides the perfect texture and moisture for this very comforting coffee cake! This is one of my favorite is simply divine! ;-)
Comforting Kefir Coffee Cake
1 cup pecans, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder (with no aluminum)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
2 large eggs, at room temperature
1 cup of kefir
Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter and flour the desired baking pan or pans.
For the topping: stir together the pecans, sugar, flour, butter, cinnamon, and vanilla in a medium bowl.
For the cake: sift the flour, baking powder (with no aluminum), and salt into a medium bowl; set aside. In a large bowl, beat the butter, sugar, and vanilla with an electric mixer at medium speed until creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, until blended. With the mixer on low speed, beat in the dry ingredients, alternating with the kefir. Spoon half of the batter into the desired pan (or pans) and sprinkle with half of the topping; repeat. Bake for 55-65 minutes.
Now sit back and savor a delicious piece of coffee cake!

wow, i hadn't heard of kefir but i read your listing for it and it sounds so interesting. i can't believe it isn't more popular considering all the health benefits!
Yes, kefir has many health benefits; including cleansing the body. ;-) I work at Akins Natural Foods Market and I see people buying our ready made kefir all of the time which is about 4-5 dollars a quart; yet I can easily home-brew my own simply for the cost of milk!
i wish blogger had a notification thing for when people reply to comments!
definitely on my list of things to try. i'd like to start eating healthier and go vegetarian again but my little guy is so sensitive to foods i eat and i'm always scared of upsetting him.
I know what you mean! Just a thought - I don't know if you are breastfeeding, but probiotics can help boost your baby boy's immune system among other benefits as long as the mother consumes the kefir.
thank you so much for that link- caden actually has eczema! so maybe this could help out. i'll see what our doctor says. thank you!
My pleasure Holly! I hope the kefir helps...what is good for mommy is good for baby! Plus kefir tastes so delicious; I love to drink it plain or blend it with organic juice. :-)
I love kefir!!! It has become a friendly family pet for me. These fluffy little slimy guys are able to turn any dairy product into a probiotic culture in just a couple of days (at room temperature) ... or kept in the refrigerator for up to 2-weeks (convenient for if you are going out of town). Easy to handle/take care of and very tasty results. I can make my own cheese, sour cream, and yogurt now! :-D Thanks Jessy.
I love all of the things I can create with kefir grains; like you mentioned: cheese, sour cream, and yogurt...I also love the fermented probiotic fruit and herbal beverages that I can delicious and nutritious! I will be posting recipes for these in the near future. Thank you Andy for the sweet comments! I am so glad that you are enjoying your kefir grains...a very happy pet!
I have made kefir cheese. This is the way I make it.
I let the kefir grains sit in the milk for at least 4 days. I let it set for longer if I want a stronger tasting cheese. I drain the whey by pouring the whey and curd through a nylon knee-hi. I let it drain for several days in the refrigerator above a container to catch any falling liquid. When it no longer drips, I add dried dill and salt. This makes a delicious cheese dip for chips and crackers.
Thank you Sharee for the wonderful comment! Yes, I love kefir cheese...that is so cute that you use a nylon knee-hi; you sound like a Macgyver Girl! Mmmm, Dill Labne sounds scrumptious...;-)
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