A comforting ray of sunshine brings a warm glow and smile to my face! Thank you The Art of Zen Crochet for kindly presenting me with the sunshine award! With snow all around here in Bixby, Oklahoma, sunshine is very treasured. ;-)
Here are the rules for accepting the Sunshine award:
1. Place the logo within your blog or post.
2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within the post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.

My 12 nominees (in no particular order) are:
Etsy Studios
Many Moons
Little Dickens Designs
Linor Store Jewelry Designs
Babbidge Patch
Holly E Photography
Etsy Food Snob
Cuff Mate
Lisa Roy
My Way To Say
Lady Bird Sews Her Nest
Thank you The Art of Zen Crochet for awarding me with this pleasant ray of sunshine! I love these Hemp Shower Puffs from the etsy shop of Art of Zen Crochet! They remind me of soft balls of sunshine! :-D

Wow, those shower balls look really soft and fluffy. They would be a great alternative to the average luffa. Great for a gift basket stuffer too. :-)
Thanks Andy! Yeah, I bet the hemp yarn is very pleasant to the touch...these shower balls would make a great gift! The Art of Zen Crochet has an eclectic array of beautiful crocheted items! :-D
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