Kefir - A Cultured Dairy Product Full of Nutritional Goodness - Healthy, Organic, and Living

Kefir! A Probiotic Gem Cultured with Probiotic Jewels: Kefir Grains!
Kefir is prepared by culturing fresh milk, water, or other non-dairy substitutes (with some adjustments) with kefir grains, which are basically clumps of 'friendly bacteria' that have been proven to be very beneficial to the human digestive system.
The end product is a creamy, tangy, refreshing milky beverage that is filled with these 'friendly bacteria'. The fermentation process only takes one to two days at room temperature and does not involve many of the sterilization techniques that go along with many other cultured products, such as yogurt.
Kefir is full of beneficial bacteria and thus can be labelled as a probiotic, which is to say that it contributes, enhances, and stabilizes the micro-organisms of the intestines. Since kefir is cultured mainly using live, active grains in a medium that is thick and coating, and because of the variety of friendly bacteria found within, kefir seems to be a much better probiotic than many of the commercially available dried capsule products. These microbes are part of an essential team of around 400 types of bacteria found in the intestines that assist digestion, extracting various elements that are necessary to maintain human life.
It has also been found that kefir is an effective immune stimulant and antimicrobial against a wide variety of harmful gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Kefir has been used to treat metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, allergic disease, tuberculosis, cancer and other gastrointestinal disorders. It has also been associated with longevity in the peoples of Caucasus where it is thought to have originated.
Kefir also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Some of the more prominent of these are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B2, and B12, vitamin K, A and D. An essential amino acid found in kefir called tryptophan has been found to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

My milk kefir grains produce abundant amounts of kefiran and unlike most batches available today, the grains shall produce a wonderful kefir in either Goat or Cow's milk.
I obtained these exceptional kefir grains from the Pockets of the Future family from the beautiful mountains of southwest Virginia; and their grains came from Dominic Anfiteatro the kefir guru from Austrailia. Here are the links to their very informative websites about kefir!
I will ship two teaspoons of kefir grains in a triple bagged ziploc bag in hormone-free natural whole cow's milk. Treat your body to all of the healthy benefits that kefir can provide; you will feel amazing!
Also, if you purchase one of my hand-painted upcycled decoupage canisters I can send you kefir grains for free! Just send me a message letting me know if you are interested.